welcoming you from Massachusetts… Faith-based coaching & counseling for grief, trauma & other emotional challenges

Your route from distress to God’s perfect peace starts here.

Let me ask you, are you…


Feeling stuck?

Losing hope?

Burdened by memories holding you back?

Overwhelmed by worries about the future?

Searching for better ways to manage life's challenges?

Time alone won’t suffice; you must take action, allowing God to lead your emotional journey.

Hi, I’m Dr. Vinnie

I understand firsthand what it's like to feel burdened by the weight of grief, trauma, and emotional distress.

I've been on a journey much like yours, and through personal experience, I've learned the hard way what works and what doesn't when it comes to finding hope, help, and healing.

My mission is to share the wisdom I've gained, guiding you toward effective solutions.

At Check Your Compass, we offer coaching groups and intensive counseling to provide you with the support and tools you need on your path to emotional peace.

Together, we can navigate the path to healing and let God take charge of your journey to a brighter future.

I invite you to take the first step toward that future by reaching out to me today…

I specialize in helping Christians find their way from distress to the perfect peace of God.

  • Embark on a healing journey with our 'Grieving with Grace' program, a 6-week coaching group offered regularly. This program is tailored to your unique journey and provides a sacred space for your healing process. It serves as a foundation for your path toward healing and prepares you to receive one-on-one coaching or intensive counseling, ensuring you receive the customized support required to find comfort on your way toward healing.

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  • Embark on a transformative journey with our 6-week group coaching program for trauma, offered regularly to set the course for your healing, guided by God's grace. This program prepares your heart and spirit for the one-on-one coaching or intensive counseling that follows, ensuring you receive customized support to navigate your unique path to recovery. Your sacred path toward healing begins here, with Christ lighting your way.

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  • Embark on a transformative 6-week journey with our Spirit-Led Emotional Renewal program. This program is designed to empower your mind and your heart. You will discover the Holy Spirit's calm, align with the mind of Christ, build strong habits to overcome challenges and maintain your momentum for life-long growth. It serves as the foundation upon which our one-on-one coaching and intensive counseling will build, ensuring you receive tailored support to navigate your unique spiritual journey to the life that God has destined for you.
    Schedule a Consultation

  • Welcome to our Christ-centered EMDR intensive sessions, where we invite you to experience 'Perfect Peace.' We understand that healing takes time, and sometimes, a weekly session isn't enough. That's why we offer flexible packages, including half-day (3-hour), full-day (5-hour), and week-long sessions, designed to meet your pace.

    What sets our approach apart is that every intensive package provides access to our transformative group programs. Whether you're facing grief, trauma, seeking spiritual renewal, or simply striving to strengthen your mental fitness, these groups offer a supportive community and vital skills. They form the foundation for you to find 'Perfect Peace' on your deeply personal journey.

    But there's more to our commitment. By joining us, you gain access to our exclusive membership area called ‘Perfect Peace’ enriched with resources designed to align your journey with God's peace. These materials, guidance, and tools empower you every step of the way.

    Our mission is to walk beside you on your healing journey, combining the depth of personal sessions with the warmth of a supportive group environment. Together, we'll strike the right balance for your unique path to recovery and growth. Ready to experience 'Perfect Peace'? Contact us to take the next step.

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How it works

Ready to get started?

Our first step is to deeply understand your unique needs.

  • You'll fill out a short survey thoughtfully designed to gather important insights about your situation and goals. This survey is a valuable tool that ensures our initial conversation is both informed and productive.

  • Next, you can schedule a call to discuss your key questions and ours. After gaining a clear understanding of your unique path, we'll then clarify the two distinct routes clients typically follow when working with us. This way, you can discern with confidence if our approach aligns with where you believe God is leading you.

    Click this link to do the survey and schedule the call, right now.  

Two Pathways to Healing:

  • Option 1: Start your journey with one of our group programs and later apply for personalized one-on-one coaching or intensive counseling to take what you’ve learned to accelerate your progress.

  • Option 2: Purchase a package of intensive counseling sessions, including access to our transformative groups at no extra cost.

  • Please note: Insurance does not cover our coaching groups, but you might have out-of-network benefits for a portion of your intensive counseling. Contact your insurance for details.

Ready to take the next step? Click this link

God will recalibrate your life's direction and lead you to find true north.

I found peace, confidence, and contentment leading to a fuller, more meaningful life.
— Ashely
I no longer have flashbacks or nightmares... instead I am starting to remember some good memories.
— Jesse
I am laughing again and I am a lot less anxious... the heavy weight I carried has lifted.
— Samantha
I’m not frozen emotionally anymore... I’ve had a miraculous restoration of memory.
— Jennifer

You don’t have to keep living in distress.

We will help you live in peace.